martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

My Plant Is Tomato

What is Tomato?

A fruit is the part of the plant that contains the seeds. Therefore, botanically speaking, the tomato is a fruit although it is not usually served as a dessert. The confusion stems from the fact that in the 19th century this popular controversy reached the Supreme Court of the United States.


Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Solanum
Subgenus: Potatoe
Section: Petota
Species: Solanum lycopersicum

Properties of Tomato and its Seed:

Tomato: Tomato not only considerably improves the flavor of any stew, it also provides many health benefits
- Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals: this vegetable provides vitamin C, a powerful natural antioxidant, as well as vitamin A, K, iron and potassium.
- Tomato protects eyesight: it contains vitamin A, which helps protect our eyes from degenerative diseases or night blindness. Vitamin A improves our vision.

- Tomato improves blood circulation: another of the properties of tomato is that it contains iron, a very healthy mineral for the good condition of our blood, as well as vitamin K, which helps control blood clotting. By helping to improve blood circulation, tomato protects health against problems such as heart attack and cardiovascular disease. After all, health is our most precious asset.

- Tomato takes care of your skin: as it has great antioxidant properties, it is a natural remedy against aging and a great ally for the care, not only of the appearance of our skin, but also of our hair and our teeth. In fact, many cosmetics intended for aesthetic care contain tomato in their composition.

- Tomato prevents constipation: this is due to its fiber content that takes care of intestinal transit and prevents the appearance of diseases that have to do with the gastrointestinal organs.

- Tomato is a natural diuretic: it is another of the beneficial health properties that tomato has and that we must highlight. Tomatoes contain potassium and low levels of sodium, which helps to prevent fluid retention and eliminate toxins.

My plant is radish

It is a plant of the Brassicaceae family that is cultivated for its edible roots, axonomorphic roots, with a 20-100 cm stem, erect, little branched, glabrous or somewhat hispid at the base, with basal leaves of up to 30 cm, petiolate, rosettes, lirado-pinnatisect, with 2-3 pairs of lateral segments and a larger terminal one, sub-orbicular; the upper ones, ovate to oblong-lanceolate. Clusters of 10-50 flowers with pedicels of 5-15 mm in the anthesis, 10-30 in the fortification. Sepals 6-11 mm and petals 15-20 mm, white-pink or violet more or less veined. The fruits are indehiscent siliques of 30-60 by 6-12 mm, erect-patent with a residual valve joint of 1.5-2.5 mm, rarely monosperm and the upper one 25-70 by 8-15 mm, cylindrical, longitudinally striated, with 2-10 seeds and ending in a 10-15 mm conical beak. The seeds are 3-4 mm, with a truncated ellipsoidal outline, reticulated-striated and green when immature and turning brown at maturity, they are immersed in a dense white spongy tissue that develops during this maturation. This is consumed fresh in salads and / or pickles, medicinally, it serves against colds and biliary diseases.


- Kingdom: Plantae

- Division: Magnoliophyta

- Class: Magnoliopsida

- Order: Brassicales

- Family: Brassicaceae

- Genus: Raphanus

- Species: Raphanus sativus

My plant is Coriander


Coriander is an herb that contains important properties that help reduce health problems. It has the scientific name of Coriadrum sarivum, and it is also known as coriander and pebre. It is a common ingredient in the kitchen, but its consumption is not limited to gastronomy. It is a natural flavoring and detoxifier, relieves menstrual pains, and evens out platelet values, decreasing anemia.

Properties and benefits:

Coriander is an herb known for its common use in different foods, especially in Latin American countries, the Middle East, and Thailand. It is such an ancient plant that experts in archeology claim to have found remains of the plant in the tomb of some Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

This natural seasoning contains different properties that benefit us in the health field, therefore, its consumption is recommended.

  • Natural anti-inflammatory: Helps relieve pain caused by arthritis, and reduces inflammation of the joints.
  • Good cholesterol: It increases the good cholesterol, or HDL, of the body, decreasing the bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • Anti-bacterial: Helps eliminate bacteria and viruses such as salmonella.
  • Reduces gas and flatulence.
  • Decreases nausea, dizziness, and menstrual cramps.
  • Contains iron and magnesium: Necessary for the care of the nervous system.
  • Reduces anemia and blood sugar problems.
  • Reduces any type of stomach problem.
  • Necessary in diets to lose weight.
  • Eliminate urinary tract problems.
  • Heals mouth infections.
  • Increases the defenses of the immune system.


    My plant is pea


    The garden in this way the food preparation, Seed: healthy foods will be planted which are peas and beans which,will take several days to begin to develop,Seed characteristics: these have the characteristic of being vegetables that belong,to legumes therefore they are consumable and healthy since they contain many,protein sources,Habitad: these can be found very easily anywhere else in orchards forests etc.Time to grow: for this process it will take at least for them to start have stems in a total of days and then they begin to develop and have the process of germination.

    The plant has a poorly developed vegetative system, although it has a taproot that tends to go quite deep. The leaves are formed by pairs of leaflets terminated in tendrils. The inflorescences are born clustered in large leafy bracts - up to 9 by 4 cm - that are inserted in the axils of the leaves. The seeds (peas) are found in pods between 5 and 10 cm long that contain between 4 and 10 units. There are varieties of determined habit, that is, that grow like herbs to a defined height, and others of indeterminate habit, which behave like vines that do not stop growing and require support means or "guides."

    They are annual herbaceous plants, climbing plants, very variable in shape and habit, glabrous. Impartinnate leaves; the 3–5 (7) distal leaflets generally reduced to climbing tendrils, 2–6 normal leaflets, opposite, ovarian, elliptical, or obovate, usually 1.5–5.5 cm long and 1–2 cm wide, stipelae absent; stipules foliaceous, ovate, generally longer than the leaflets, basally semi-chordate, amplexicaul and toothed. Inflorescence solitary flowers or racemes with 2 or 3 flowers at the apex of the peduncle; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, the 2 upper wolves wider; corolla 1.5–2 cm long, white or pink, obovate or suborbicular standard, wings falcate-oblong, keel curved, apically obtuse; stamens 10, diadelphs, the vexillary free; bearded style on the inner surface. Legumes oblong or cylindrical, more or less compressed or terete, 2.5–12.5 cm long and 1.5–2.5 cm wide, straight or curved, fleshy and waxy when ripe, dehiscent; seeds 3–12, variable size and shape; They have a large diverse amount of proteins which control their growth, inhibition, photosynthesis, among others.

    My Plant Is Tomato

    What is Tomato? A fruit is the part of the plant that contains the seeds. Therefore, botanically speaking, the tomato is a fruit although it...